Announcement: IIRA Fall General Meeting
When: Sunday, September 22nd at 1pm
Where: Chanhassen Autoplex Members Room, 1740 Motorplex Court, Chanhassen, MN 55317
What: Fall meeting to discuss the upcoming 2025 ice racing season. Network with other racers, bring your questions and new ideas. Lunch will be potluck style so bring a dish to share if you are able. All guests are also encouraged to bring their ice racing cars or other interesting cars to display at the Autoplex during the meeting.
Who: Members, racers, volunteers, supporters, and people wanting to learn more about ice racing are encouraged to attend
To stay informed of the latest announcements via email, join our google group: IIRA-MembershipView and Register for upcoming events here:
What is Ice Racing?
The International Ice Racing Association (IIRA) has a long history of conducting car racing events on plowed courses on frozen lakes. Studded racing tires are used in the fastest classes to provide the cars with a surprising amount of grip on the ice.
Currently, all the events are based in Minnesota.
Facebook Pages and Groups
Many Ways to Participate!
Multiple cars on track competing wheel-to-wheel in races lasting several laps (15-30 min)
Studded tires only
Minimum car prep includes 6 point roll cages, racing harness, working lights and wipers. See rules for complete list of requirements
Open Track
Open Track, no timers, come have fun and learn to drive on the ice
Studded or non-studded tires
Street legal cars eligible
Novice friendly
Autocross format
Timed runs from start to finish
One car on course at a time
Studded or non-studded tire classes
Street legal cars eligible
We need help!
Volunteers are compensated, provided with lunch, and offered a ride in one of the race cars!
Duties include: registration, corner workers, starters, pit stewards, towing and recovery, and more
For volunteer info and registration, see info on our motorsportreg site here:
Call or email us if you have additional questions
Upcoming Events
The IIRA has put a lot of effort into attempting to host an event in the abnormally warm 2024 winter season. Unfortunately, ice conditions on lakes have not been safe enough to host a racing event. Just like other ice racing clubs even further north of us, we haven't been able to find safe ice and are canceling the 2024 season. However, we are looking forward to hosting a get together for all members and anybody else interested this spring. Stay tuned for more details on this page, our facebook pages, and our email list. We are also planning on attending various car shows and other events during the off-season to promote the 2025 events. Many of our members are open and willing to help anyone who is interested in preparing a car to get in on the ice racing fun!
Official event calendar will be on MotorsportReg for 2024. Actual dates and locations will vary depending on ice conditions.
Tentative dates are scheduled as follows:
January 20-21 Cancelled due to not enough ice
January 27-28 Cancelled due to not enough ice / warm temperatures
February 3-4 Cancelled due to not enough ice / warm temperatures
February 10-11 Cancelled due to not enough ice / warm temperatures
February 17-18 Cancelled due to not enough ice / warm temperatures
February 24-25 Cancelled due to not enough ice / warm temperatures
March 2-3 Cancelled due to not enough ice / warm temperatures
April 28 Annual Membership Meeting at Chanhassen Autoplex: 2pm Board Meeting, 3pm Membership Meeting